Monday, March 26, 2012

Sweet and tart

It's been warm and so I treated myself to a lemonade, instead of my usual cappuccino. Look at all that sugar! I actually don't put sugar in my lemonade at all, so back it went when the waiter cleared the table.

Bought the snowdrops from the man I posted a few days ago.


Gaelyn said...

Mmmmmm. Lemonade sounds good. I like to add prickly pear cactus syrup instead of sugar.

Lowell said...

The lemonade looks good, especially for a warm day...looks like a nice cafe, too! Isn't spring wonderful?

canngil said...

Do they usually make the lemonade with out sugar so you add your own? that makes sense to do it that way.

Thérèse said...

I immediately recognized the snowdrops! They are becoming famous.

Olivier said...

ca fait longtemps que je n'ai pas bu de limonade , mais tout ce sucre ? c'est impressionnant

Luis Gomez said...

Looks like a great day for a lemonade!

Mandy said...

Great photo! I love the views of the trg / piazza below. Now I want some fresh, homemade lemonade. Yum. I also tend not to add sugar to sweet things like lemonade or hot chocolate.

brattcat said...

this little still-life makes me ridiculously happy. thank you.

Daryl said...

this weekend it was cold, rainy and windy .. not at all lemonade weather ...

TheChieftess said...

Looks yummy!!! But with snow on the ground, I'm more inclined to go for the cappuccino!!!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I enjoyed this image so much Bibi, the little bunch of snowdrops are delightful, spring, lovely! I would definitely had at least three of those sugars in my lemondade, that's bad right!!

Anonymous said...

My wife calls the flowers "hanging grandmas". She is from Belgrade.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.