Wednesday, June 6, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY--"U" is for "unique"

WEll, maybe not  unique   since there may be more Pink Pentaxes, but I was immediately drawn to this very feminine camera---it belongs to this fellow's girlfriend, who was shy to pose.  

See other U's at  ABC WEDNESDAY.


Joy said...

Makes a change from dull colours, not seen one of those before.
Joy - ABC Team

Leslie: said...

My daughter would love that, but she does have a red camera!

abcw team

Linnea said...

Wow! That pink color really pops out! I guess it's easy to find your camera when it's that bright and unique!

TheChieftess said...

Hmmm...never thought about buying a camera because of it's color!!!

Roger Owen Green said...

pretty camera!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Black Jack's Carol said...

Yes, that is definitely unique - I've never seen a pink camera before.

PJ said...

Hmmmmm, I could get into something in retro lime green...

Mel C. said...

what a unique pink camera :) love it! hope you can visit my ABC Wednesday here.


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