Wednesday, June 6, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY--"U" is for "unique"

WEll, maybe not  unique   since there may be more Pink Pentaxes, but I was immediately drawn to this very feminine camera---it belongs to this fellow's girlfriend, who was shy to pose.  

See other U's at  ABC WEDNESDAY.


Joy said...

Makes a change from dull colours, not seen one of those before.
Joy - ABC Team

Leslie: said...

My daughter would love that, but she does have a red camera!

abcw team

Linnea said...

Wow! That pink color really pops out! I guess it's easy to find your camera when it's that bright and unique!

TheChieftess said...

Hmmm...never thought about buying a camera because of it's color!!!

Roger Owen Green said...

pretty camera!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Black Jack's Carol said...

Yes, that is definitely unique - I've never seen a pink camera before.

PJ said...

Hmmmmm, I could get into something in retro lime green...

Mel C. said...

what a unique pink camera :) love it! hope you can visit my ABC Wednesday here.


 There are apparently 600 kinds of mimosa ranging from trees to shrubs. Here in Serbia these yellow flowers, symbols of spring, are imported...