Monday, February 23, 2009

Beware of the crows!

Life is tough for Belgrade's street dogs, especially in the winter. This fellow is holding tight to his bone that the crows seem to be attracted to...unless they want the dog himself. I've seen crows dive-bomb dogs to divert them from their food, then snatch it.


Lowell said...

Tell doggy to watch those midget buzzards! I've seen them sit on a bike seat, bend over and with their beak unzip a bike bag and pull out potato chips or whatever other goodies were inside. They are amazing little thieves!

xxx said...

I like what I see here :-)

best wishes

Virginia said...

Every man for himself!!!

Marie Reed said...

Scat! You pesky crows!

soulbrush said...

oh my word, really?

Thérèse said...

He does not seem to mind the birds but you!

Anonymous said...

I stopped and read your blog and looked at the photograph. I just wanted you to know. I feel sorry for the dog.

Anonymous said...

First visit! I like it here...very nice!

marley said...

He is watching you and the crows! Great photo.

Marie-Noyale said...

He has eyes in the back of his head!!

Alexa said...

Those are some big birds! Still, my money's on the dog (who looks pretty well fed, actually). Nice shot.

USelaine said...

I'm glad the pooch still has his treat!

Jane Hards Photography said...

He does seem to have connected with you. When I see street dogs abroad I am thankful I am from a nation of animal lovers. Now if we could just extend that to people..

Petrea Burchard said...

Pat, I'm just catching up tonight and loving your photos. It strikes me that you often take very sympathetic shots of the street dogs in Belgrade. I'm a dog lover and my heart goes out to each dog you photograph. You shoot them so well.


 I have to admit that my dog gets a lot of smiles and pats, which she just loves....  This sweet lady obliged her and even gave her a little...