Thursday, March 5, 2009

Through the rear window

When being driven somewhere and finding myself in the back seat of a car alone with my camera, I do what most people (read 'City Daily Photo Bloggers) do: I take photos out the window. I forgot that I had my camera on manual when I snapped this, but I like it anyway. In the window on the right you can see one of Belgrade's pink buses...they're not all pink; sometimes it depends where they come from, since some were received through donations from nearby countries. Adds a touch of color anyway!


Lowell said...

I like it, too. It's as if you wrapped the scene in a mist...It would be a great photo for the cover of a mystery novel.

raf said...

This is great, Bibi.
Now I'll think of the Umbrellas of Belgrade because of this and that classic image of Bibi in the snow behind the walker with umbrella.
Love it!

Marie Reed said...

The shot has an air of mystery to it!

ninja said...

Pink buses are better then the colour of the currently advertised product buses.

Debby said...

I love this picture. So much detail hidden in it.

Thérèse said...

Men and trees don't dress alike...

Jane Hards Photography said...

You know I like Bresson and this is a Bresson image. The manual setting, through glass and the movement all mix together to create a that magic moment that cannot be repeated.

Jilly said...

I love this too. You've captured him at exactly the right moment in his walk - imagine if his feet had been together. Super shot - I'm learning to be braver and put on blurry shots, grainy shots and often feel they have far more atmosphere as does this one.

antigoni said...

Beautiful photo.
Is Bibi your name or your dog's name?

Richard Lawry said...

Neat photo. It reminds me of an impressionist painting.

An Arkies Musings

antigoni said...

I want to give you an award but i need your name to make the post. Please send me your name.

antigoni said...

OK, Bibi. In a few minutes i'll make the post so you're welcome to receive your award.

soulbrush said...

great shot, should be in a spy thriller.

Marie-Noyale said...

Never leave home without the camera!!
Nice movement.
I would love to see one of those pink buses closer!!

marley said...

Great shot. Love the soft (accidental) focus.

Anonymous said...

I too like this photo, it is realy nice when you get perhaps a better image by accident. The composition was good too.

Victor said...

Perfect! Bravo!


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!