Impressions of Belgrade and Serbia and maybe photos from an in-country trip by a long-term ex-pat.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
ABC Wednesday--"E" is for "Energy Efficient"
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I have to admit that my dog gets a lot of smiles and pats, which she just loves.... This sweet lady obliged her and even gave her a little...

They may dry, but I bet they're frozen! What a great shot and a fun post for the day! Love it!! Have a great week! May your stay warm and have lots of warm socks!
Oh wow! I finished drying specially the pants and towels in front of our fire stove that saves money too ^_^.
Beautiful shot - like you I hope he has spare warm dry pairs!
Very clever original use of the letter E. It probably will take a long time to dry those socks. This is a great picture. An entire story in one shot.
How appropriate and I do love the color & composition including the basin!
Can you imagine people in CA not having dryers? And it's been 80 degrees outside this week. I think we could apply so much more energy efficiency without too much extra time. (Yup, in Tuzla, we used to dry stuff over the radiators - we had central heating! which my grandmother hated when she came to visit - nothing compared to her old wood fired stove.)
Good eye! I like what appears to be the different sizes and shapes...maybe more than one sock wearer is represented?
You don't see this much in the US anymore. Most everyone uses dryers. Ours is a new "energy-efficient" dryer which means it doesn't do as good a job as our old one!
I really wish I could hang my laundry outdoors—though maybe not in below-freezing temps. Frozen socks just don't sound all that cozy.
I really don't like my clothes freeze dried. But in an effort to conserve energy I use the dryer during the cheapes hours also. Nice capture of life.
«Louis» would hazard a guess that April would be an optimistic estimate of when those socks would dry!
I don't have the dryer, all my laundry are sun-dried and it help that it's always sunny here in Singapore.
Oh, this is funny. Although I remember using a clothesline and bringing in frozen sheets. I wish the sockless wonder the best of luck! Excellent post!
I really love this shot! The repetition of the socks against the interior light is really cool. I do feel like I'm peeking over the back fence of a house in Oakland, though :-). . .all the bars on the window and door! The snow on the tree put put me in mind of the old slumber party trick of people stealing your bra in the night, soaking it and putting it in the freezer. :-)
such a cool E post for today Bibi. I love using my radiators as a clothes dryer. An added plus is the wet clothes help add some moisture to the air in the house as well.
I've been wanting to put up a clothes line in my basement but right now it's a bit of a mess -though I guess there's no need to air my laundry on the internet.... he-he..!
Interesting that your rates go down at night. I"m thinking Dr. Seuss, whom I LOVE, could have had a field day with this: One sock, two sock........ :)
Oh I do love this shot Bibi. The socks against the light and so much else to look at it. It all works so well together. I have a dryer and rarely use it, even in winter as I hang stuff over the radiators. If it ever warms up here then washing goes outside as per usual. If ever....
Excellent photo, Bibi. But aren't those socks a bit hard to put on? I'll bet they're really, really stiff!
I like your photo and it was interesting to read too.
How funny! I remember having no dryer and having to dry everything outside or on airers. And I well remember forgetting to bring the laundry in on frosty nights and finding the clothes as stiff as a board next morning!
On behalf of the team, thank you for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week! :)
I can so easily imagine how these socks feel to the touch! Growing up we had no dryer and it was hard work to bring back inside the so stiff laundry...
I love the picture of course!
You're too funny. I used to be a dedicated clothesline dryer but now I use the electric one. I'll have to get back to it somehow.
Wow, that is a cool story to read and see! Thanks for sharing.~
Such a good idea, but I haven't done that in years outdoors. Though when our dryer broke down,m we hung LOTS of clothes inside.
Nice picture but a little thing bibi, you save money when you dry your clothes in the night with dryer, not energy ;)
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