Check out other "W's" on ABC Wednesday.
Addendum: Just to clarify--I snapped this photo from the hip at a safe distance, then cropped it. Her feet (she was wearing flip-flops) were not in the original photo; that's the down-side of hip-shooting! She IS near a beach of sorts, albeit grass, along the Sava River where many people go to sunbathe.
Now that's a great W for the day!! And without a doubt, that's what the guy on the bike is saying. And, nope, I never looked that even half that good either -- even way back then!!!! Fun one for the day! Enjoy your week!
Wow for you and your photos. Thank you for posting photos from Belgrade. Nedostaje mi.
Pozdrav iz Vankuvera!
I can see the making of a long running 'Yankee In Belgrade' series here Bibi. :-)
WOW! indeed this is such a great post! I am truly glad you posted it. Perfect image.
Did you snap the photo? I'd be afraid she would rip the camera from me. I thought she was in her underwear and carrying her clothes in the bags!!!
Great picture. I can't seem to stop looking and wondering what is going on. Who goes out like this without being near a beach? I want to know what kind of footwear she has on. And the color of her bikini makes it look more like underwear than outerwear.
Nice to see a Wow Woman! esp. a real one, who is past her 20's. Definitely deserves top blog billing.
How very impressive. Please have a nice Wednesday.
daily athens
If my wife saw I was here, I WONDER WHAT she would think...
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Wow! She's still wearing lip gloss, too! :) Amazing.
That's quite the hard body you captured, and she knows it. I'm sure she spends most of her time working out and working on her tan.
This is the ultimate choice for the letter W. " WOW "
Congrats on such a super capture, Bibi! These are the kinds of shots that made it into Life magazine. Good for you for getting it!
Wow, I think she ought to put pants on.
en b&w, on pourrait se croire dans un film italien des années 1960 ;) . bien vu la photo
I always think, 'someday' I may look this good. Yeah, right!
So I will settle for living vicariously through others, Lol.
Thanks for posting this Bibi, this is great, a really neat photo.
Local or foreigner taking liberties? She certainly seems confident and comfortable with herself...
Hello, everyone. To answer a couple of you, this was of course a sneak hip shot taken from a 'safe' (not to get bashed) distance. I cropped the photo, but her feet (flipflops) weren't there anyway, due to not being able to really compose the photo in the viewfinder.
She is near a beach of sorts, albeit grass, which is right next to the Sava River. Many people of all ages go there to sunbathe.
A person with an airbrush could make her eligible for Playboy and beyond. It is a great capture. The kind of thing the guy on the bike looks for but never sees and on this trip he had a friend on the rear seat.
Wow !!! what a great capture !
The tourist bureau may be offering you a job soon.
Not exactly what I would wear to do my shopping, although I could have 35 years ago, lol !
Gattina from ABC Team
Well, this got the old heart pumping! Looks like undies to me. If not, that's one hell of a bikini!
That guy driving the scooter is about to run smack dab into the nearest tree. But who's to blame him?
Dick's was new to me, too, before they came to Ocala...evidently it's quite a big chain. And I have heard of Dick's hamburgers in Seattle. Must be a good place.
I have to laugh. Don't you wonder just how many photographs and videos you are in without knowing it. The comment about the boyfriend's expression is classic. You are so observant. I'll have to try that shooting from the hip, lest I get shot for my bold snapping!!!! Can you post a photo showing just how one shoots from the hip?
One way to beat the heat ... I guess if I was in such good shape, toned like that, I would be walking around in a bikini too .. but at the beach not in a park ...
«Louis» heard that Rupert Murdoch has called you about infringing on his London Sun "Page Three" turf...
One other thing... Next time "C" rolls around for ABC Wednesday, you could re-post this as "cheesecake"...
Serbian women, they can be dangerous!
I love the expressions on the guy's face. You have captured the charm of this summer moment perfectly.
Hello again. For tips on how to shoot from the hip, go here.
Couldn't have written it better myself. Also, I made a longer-than-usual lens strap that I sling across my chest and my camera is about hip level. Just keep in mind your len's range, angle, and shoot accordingly.
You can also re-post in 2 weeks: Y is for Yikes! It looks like the fellow AND the girl on the scooter are having a similar reaction—but probably not, eh?
wow is right! What a fantastic candid shot! Well done!
That's funny! Good catch.
I'm going to comment on the emperor's clothes here.
She's not that hot guys. jesus.
Nor is she 'hard' as someone said.
Everyone who thinks she's something special needs to get out more and maybe hit the gym a little themselves.
Wow - she really is a wow with that voluptuous body. A real woman.
Thanks for the link to shooting from the hip. I must try that - I WILL try that.
How funny this is that when you post a girl in a bikini you double your comments!!!!
Love the boyfriend's expression!!!
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