Thursday, June 30, 2011


Yum. Colorful and certainly good, though I didn't buy any that day.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

ABC Wednesday: xanthocyanopsy

I don't know what you do, but when ABC WEDNESDAY comes around, I just go through my photos and find one that fits. Or I make it fit, like I did this one of a pair of stockings and stocking covers that I spied at the Pike Place Market. XANTHOCYANOPSY is defined as "a form of color blindness in which only yellows and blue can be perceived." So a woman suffering from XANTHOCYANOPSY would love these. Come to think of it, she would like any stockings that strike her fancy, I guess, since she'd only be able to see those two colors.

Oh, well. Like I said, I just make the photo fit. :)

See other X's at ABC WEDNESDAY.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Not a truffle

Not even a glazed jelly doughnut. This is some sort of white/orange fungus, growing on a log in Hamlin Park in Seattle. Bibi is however, sniffing it with her 'truffe', the French word for both a dog's nose and a truffle!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Accessories for the fashionable biker

Rather than sneak a shot as I usually do, I asked this biker if I could photograph his fancy jewelry and tattoos.. He said, "Sure, but first you gotta listen to the stories that go with 'em." So I did, but they're too long to relate here, albeit REALLY interesting.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday Bridges: shades of Monet

I used the Gimpressionist oilify tool on my GIMP photo retouching program to create this sort-of Impressionist bridge. I see now I could have upped the percentage of brushstrokes, but this was a first try!

See other bridges on Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Reflections Weekend--I want one....

Oh, I want one, too. This is my friend Jenny and her husband Chris (discreetly on the left) and Jenny's, yes, Jenny's alone, 1959 Rambler Metropolitan.

I want one.

Do you remember Jenny and Chris from this photo?

See other reflections on James' REFLECTIONS WEEKEND.

Friday, June 24, 2011

SKYWATCH--Enter Only....

...and never be seen again? Lots of pretty blue evening sky here in Seattle, in the real heavens and in the windows.

See other skies on SKYWATCH.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

You and me against the world...

I felt sorry for this mother duck. All she had with her was this one little duckling...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY "W" is for "Water Drops"

Splash, and I gotcha! My son-in-law, who recently purchased the same camera as I have, and I have been practicing taking photos of water drops. I'd always thought this was really hard to do, but we followed the directions in the recent edition of Petersen's Photographic fun projects and it wasn't hard at all. You can also find instructions online.

See other W's at ABC WEDNESDAY.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Two landmarks

A totem pole in Elliott Bay Park stands in contrast to Seattle's Space Needle.

Monday, June 20, 2011


This airplane seemed to have taken off from Boeing Field here in Seattle. Perhaps it is on a test run and is a plane to be exported to some foreign airline? Never saw any green-bellied planes here.

Anybody know?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

SUNDAY BRIDGES--from the car again....

....but I was not driving this time. Took this from the back seat while returning from Lake Chelan, Washington. Not a very pretty bridge, nor a great shot either. I think I do better while driving....


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

SKYWATCH FRIDAY--Friday Harbor, Washington

Pretty dark... I took this photo before going to bed in a little trailer on my friends' property in Friday Harbor, on San Juan Island, Washington. It's pretty dark when you turn the lights out. Visible is their little house.

See other skies on SKYWATCH FRIDAY.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rubbing the satin

This little hand belongs to my good friend's grandson. I had a blanket just like this when I was little and can remember rubbing the satin while I went to sleep.

Did you have a favorite something to sleep with?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY "V" is for "vicinage"

"Vicinage" means 'neighborhood" and in Seattle you have buildings and streets and in the 'vicinage' of the mountains, you've got skiing and Bigfoot! I've been meaning to take a photo of this mural on NE 90th Street in Seattle for quite some time, but there had always been cars parked in front of it. Finally did! It's located in a very congested 'vicinage'.

See other V's at ABC WEDNESDAY.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hmm...I'm confused...

Hmm.... I must admit I peeked through the window to see if this cafe was open or closed. Closed!

Monday, June 13, 2011

"No more pencils, no more books.... more teachers' dirty looks!" I remember saying that when I was a kid the moment school was out, which it is this week, in most places. Here's to the grads and to those who 'simply' made it through one more year. These little antennae decorations are happy!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Bridges--Marmot Bridge, Oregon

Hard-pressed for a bridge photo again and despite the title, I am not in Oregon, but rather in Lake Chelan, in Eastern Washington, where I spotted this marmot outside the local Wal*Mart with a few members of his family.

A Google search revealed to me that there's great white-water rafting at Marmot Bridge, Oregon, so that's how this post qualifies for today's meme, or sort of.

See some real bridges at Louis la Vache's Sunday Bridges.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Blood, sweat, or tears?

None of the above in the title. Rain....but it does look like red tears, I think.

See other reflections on JAMES' REFLECTIONS WEEKEND.

Friday, June 10, 2011

SKYWATCH--setting sun at Elliott Bay Park

Just a pretty shot, nothing more, of a man silhouetted at Elliott Bay Park.

See more skies at SKYWATCH FRIDAY.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ram-rod straight

This Bassett Hound was sitting up sooo straight for his treat at the Queen Anne pet shop All the Best,
where not long ago Kim of Seattle Daily Photo took this photo. Even better, I ran into Kim herself there!

I bought Bibi a braided buffalo jerky treat....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY- "U" is for "Unconventional"

Here I am again, photographing behind the wheel. I could not resist this....

A Barbie hearse? What a way to go,
I thought...

It's a way to go, all right, but not on your last ride. The Barbie Dream Hearse , though indeed a hearse in body, is now used as a limo for the fashionable girl's night on the town.

Weird. Or just 'unconventional'.

See other U's at ABC WEDNESDAY.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Watch out for the little guys.

'twas twilight when I snapped this. I imagine the little white man is to remind ships like the Katie Ann to watch out for smaller watercraft.

Monday, June 6, 2011

They grow 'em bigger here...

I have never seen such big poppies as I have here in Seattle. I don't know if gardeners pump them with Miracle Gro or not, but these red ones on a front lawn in the Queen Anne neighborhood of Seattle were as wide as a salad plate.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday Bridges--The spider's bridge

Ever wonder exactly how a spider make its web? I wondered the same thing while watching this spider being blown back and forth yesterday in my daughter's yard here in Seattle.

The most difficult part is the first thread. The spider releases a sticky thread that is blown away with the wind. If the breeze carries the silken line to a spot where it sticks, the first bridge is formed.
The spider cautiously crosses along the thin line reinforcing it with a second line. She enforces the line until it is strong enough. And so it goes, bridge by bridge.

You can read a little more at this site and view more bridges at Louis La Vache's Sunday Bridges.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Reflections Weekend: "I dig skinny guys," says she, "and their dogs!"

The girl on the poster is eying this fellow and his dog. Other dog out of sight was a greyhound, too..... They say people resemble their dogs... I'm wondering how I look like Bibi; no underbite!

Again, snapped this at a red light; reflection and all.

See other reflections at JAMES' Reflections Weekend.

Friday, June 3, 2011

SKYWATCH--Big sky, big sign...

Sunny skies today, to continue through the weekend, or so they tell me. This is Seattle's University District Department of Licensing, where I had to go to put my mother's car in my daughter's name. Their billboard on the left is just about the same surface area of the 'department'.

See other skies, perhaps unhampered by signs, at SKYWATCH FRIDAY.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Once Upon a Mattress....

I get such a kick out of seeing people dressed up advertising products on street corners. So far this trip I've seen a pizza, a hot dog, a Statue of Liberty, and an Uncle Sam. What's next?

This fellow was more than happy to wave to me when I snapped him at a red light.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Theme Day: "Under construction" and ABC Wednesday: T=Terrific

My "Under construction" entry is my first grandchild! Also, making it a double-header for the letter T on ABC WEDNESDAY, here is my daughter-in-law, Jelena, who looks "Terrific".

We know what the latest family addition is, but you'll have to wait until the end of July/early August....!

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants on THEME DAY.


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?