Thursday, December 31, 2009

The lotus

The lotus is a symbol of many things, but the essence is that it symbolizes beauty that can rise out of ugliness. These flowers were growing in a ditch filled with filthy water next to a gas station where our driver refueled.

"Bibi" now on vacation in India wishes you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Radovan in Auroville

Here is Radovan in a New Age community established in the 60's just outside of Pondicherry. Wikipedia will explain more, since I don't have time to add a hyperlink now! The large golden 'golf ball' is a meditation center, but you need special permission to enter, so Radovan, my friends, and I just contemplated it from afar...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A heavy load

This brickloader begged me to take his photo, so..... I see so many people here doing hard labor without much protection. Some just wear flip-flops while hauling bricks or moving large slabs of granite with crowbars. Watch your tootsies.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Acrobatics on the beach

The beach in Chennai, as on other beaches I've seen here, is a place for all kinds of activities from selling candies, offering horseback rides, selling trinkets and food, and of course for performers like this little girl.

The Bay of Bengal for the most part is really choppy, so few people go swimming where the water is so rough, so activities are welcome diversions.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Green, green

Couldn't resist this little vegetable seller, all in green like most of her veggies! India is a feast for the eyes and the palate!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Henna tattoo

This young woman is having a 'mehendi,' which is a temporary design painted on one's hands, arms, or feet either for a special ceremony or wedding. It's done with henna, so of course it's only temporary beauty, but beauty it is.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas from India

Wishing you readers who celebrate Christmas the very best of holidays. This photo was taken at the Christian church Saint Thomas Mount where the saint was allegedly martyred.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Take my picture, please!

India is a photographer's paradise in more ways than one. Not only could you burn up memory cards taking photos of buildings, fruit, streets, and all kinds of attractions, but people actually love to have their photos taken, especially kids. These youngsters who were traveling in a motorized rickshaw begged me to take their photo, but were whizzed away before I could show it to them!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bricklayer's helpers

They certainly don't look like they'd be doing a job like helping a bricklayer, but these two ladies were doing just that. Most people I've come across in my two days here LOVE to have their photo taken, and delight in seeing it right away on my camera. The only bad part is that they often pose, whereas I'd prefer a more candid shot. But hey, I'm not complaining.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Pomegranate seeds

Aren't these beautiful? There are pomegranates on Belgrade markets occasionally, but I never think of buying them. Here in Chennai where I am at the moment, our friend's housekeeper made us a yummy spicy lunch on our first day here, and these sweet seeds were perfect as a dessert.

Today we walked through our friend's local neighborhood, and I am soooo enchanted with India...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Radovan on the Road again--India...

Radovan is on the road again, and 'Bibi" is well enough (she hopes...) to accompany him. Radovan has become camera shy and won't feature in all of Bibi's posts, but he'll be with her as she travels through Tamil Nadu and to one other mystery destination Radovan won't allow to be disclosed just yet....stay tuned.

I am going to try to post pretty much live. I've never missed a post, but it may be a bit hard now with sporadic Internet connection...

This post is for Bob of Saint Louis Daily Photo, who traveled to India and Tibet a while back. Tibet's where I'd really like to go (next time, or in another life...), but I am really happy anyway to be going to India. My friend and I will be visiting a Tibetan settlement, and that's about as close as I'll get...hope to find another Buddha for my collection.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dangerous....Look out below!

Peeked out a friend's window....fortunately below these ice swords there's just a courtyard where few people walk...I hope they walk away from the building...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Saint Nikola's Day--2009

It's that time of year again. Today is our family's patron saint day, Saint Nikola, who watches over fishermen, sailors, and travelers. I fall into the latter category, since I am off in a short while to a destination to be revealed to you on Monday, so check back!

An extra plus this year is that after 20 years, Serbs will again be able to travel visa-free through European Countries starting today! Thank you, Saint Nikola....

On the table above, you can see one of my three pots of beans I made for guests. Behind the pot stand jars of pickles, olives, ajvar , and tins of tuna, all fat-free fare. No meat in the beans either, and we've ordered baked fish.

Read more about this holiday on last year's post.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Snowy lanterns

I don't know what these are. I remember something similar we called 'lanterns' when I was a kid, but those grew on bushes. These go from green to yellow and then to brown...only to be covered by white.

Anyone know what they are?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Great-great grandfather's painting

Am still pretty much housebound, so I decided to copy Chuck in Seattle a bit by photographing a painting, my favorite one from my childhood. This painting, which hung in my grandmother's dining room and now hangs in mine, was painted by my great-great grandfather, Benjamin I. Lingle, around 1860. I have quite a few more of his, but this is my favorite.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

ABC Wednesday "V" is for "vespertine"

Yes, here I go again trying to find a word that fits ABC Wednesday, but this one isn't so bad. "Vespertine" means "related to the evening" and this is exactly when I took this photo, last evening. We've had about a foot of snow, and it's still falling lightly.

Have fun and join ABC WEDNESDAY.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Out to lunch?

Slowly getting better, but this is a shot from a couple of weeks this sidewalk would be covered with snow, since it fell last night.

Anyway, looks like the accordionist stepped out for a bit. Trusting fellow, leaving his instrument behind.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Silver garlic

Staying indoors and mainly in bed prompts me to do a lot of reading. I've reread The Secret Life of Bees and am almost finished with The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society. Between those, I have reread cover-to-cover the Masters of Contemporary Photography series, featuring such photographers as Annie Liebovitz (see the link) and my personal favorite, Duane Michals. Stimulating stuff for my feverish brain, which along with my camera, produced the above silver garlic for you. It was that or oranges or lemons, which I squeeze daily!

Tomorrow something else from my apartment, or else a photo taken before my germs moved in.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cold, damp, and dark

Here I am stuck inside again. This time it's some sort of viral infection, not THE flu, so the doc says, but I feel awful. Resorting to outdoor shots from within....

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Weekend Reflections...

This polar bear is so far from the North Pole that he has begun to take on the shades of the leaves in his he dreaming of a White Christmas?

This post is for James' Weekend Reflections, so pop on over and see who else has posted reflections.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Seeing double

Okay, how many of you over-a-certain-agers started humming the Wrigley's Doublemint Gum ditty, 'Double your pleasure, double your fun...."? I remember an older version than the one right here, but it's still good.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

ABC Wednesday "U" is for "Unsafe?" =="Untrue!"

Belgrade is not unsafe!! Although I've staged a hold-up here with two pairs of salt and pepper shakers and a tiny toy gun, Belgrade is a surprisingly safe city, both for its inhabitants and visitors. In all my time here, I have never been aggressed in any way, aside of course from being sworn at by drivers who feel they own the entire road.

It would be untrue if I told you there was no crime at all, but on a daily basis, most Belgradians and foreigners feel the city streets are safe. If you click here, you can read several opinions supporting this claim.

Why don't you join ABC WEDNESDAY?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Chimp Sami's Monument

Sami the Chimp, who passed away in 1992, is a Belgrade legend. Sami escaped from the zoo twice, and like many chimps, he didn't feel he was a chimp, but rather a human.
He made his first escape in 1988. Radio stations updated live on attempts to capture him, while hundreds of citizens rallied to support Sami in his fight for freedom. You can read more about him here at Belgraded.

In this photo you can see that Sami still manages to entertain visitors to the zoo.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Odd man out

Another street artist today, perhaps one more to your liking. He's categorizing his photos, and seems to have more Belgrade scenes than nudes... I didn't stick around long enough to see which painting went first.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Spray-paint art

I've seen these artists in several cities in Europe and in the US. While what they create isn't to my liking, I've got to admire their skill.

I also admire their not wearing any kind of protection on their clothes nor masks to protection them from fumes.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009

SKYWATCH--A Gargoyle in Belgrade

This post is for Kim of Seattle Daily Photo, who back in April of 2008 posted a gargoyle for me that you can see right here. Well, I scoured Belgrade looking for a Balkan gargoyle, but had little luck until I stepped out on my terrace the other morning, and lo and behold, there he was....

It's actually an ex-pat gargoyle, purchased at Gargoyles Statuary in the U. District. I'd forgotten that he had been hanging out on my porch railing....

All kinds of fun for Skywatch Friday. Join by clicking here!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Cassowary

Last Sunday I went to the Belgrade Zoo, hoping to get a peek at the new white tiger, but he (I think it is a 'he') decided he didn't want a peek at me or anyone else, and had retreated into his den.

This is one of several cassowaries that live in the zoo. It is indeed a strange -looking bird. Cassowaries are large flightless birds native to the tropical forests of New Guinea, and northeastern Australia. The Southern Cassowary is the third tallest and second heaviest living bird, smaller only than the ostrich and emu. Theories about the purpose of the strange 'casque' on their beaks include sexual attraction, a tool for battering through brush, and to enhance their deep communication calls.

"Cassowaries are very shy," says Wikipedia, "but when disturbed, they are capable of inflicting serious injuries to dogs and children."

And to curious adults, I do not know. This one was safely behind thick glass.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

ABC WEDNESDAY "T" is for "Too much of a good thing"

Like any other photoblogger, I am never without my camera, but sometimes I think I overdo it. I was in bed the other night, scrolling back through some photos still in my camera. My son came in to say good night, and decided he'd try his hand (literally) at some hand shadows.

Naturally, since I was in bed with my camera, I had to respond.... Too much of a good thing?

Don't just sit there! Join ABC WEDNESDAY!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Here we are nearly at the end of the year. These two chaps, whom I photographed eleven months ago are still around, waiting under a tree in front of the newspaper Politika's building, just down the street from their usual location. Like this, they remind me of Vladimir and Estragon in Beckett's Waiting for Godot.

On second thought, maybe they aren't really waiting. Here's what one reader commented under my last year's photo:

"These guys "live" just up the road from me and despite their ragged appearance they seem to have food, booze and plenty of company. I suspect they are members of the voluntary street people, the type who run away from hostels and government accommodation because they prefer the streets. In London it is because the hostels are so often violent and otherwise dangerous places. One of these guys has the most incredible gravelly voice, it really is a marvel to hear. Every now and again I see that they get a new mattress, I suspect they are donated by neighbours.. .."

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Jelisavetu Načić (YEL-lee-sa-veh-ta NA-cheech) was Serbia's first woman architect,having received her diploma in 1900. See other murals ...