Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Roast pork!

Scroll back to see my 'roast meat' post on June 25th! Serbs are big, big meat eaters, and especially love roast meat. This pig on a skewer is (or rather was....) being roasted outside a restaurant. If you have a pig to roast, you can often pay a restaurant to roast it for you, since obviously city dwellers don't have the space to do this.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Zen in Zemun

A recent trip up a hill in Zemun yielded this 'Zen' shot. The pieces of bricks and concrete were placed there, and blend in nicely with the three different kinds of tile roofs in the background.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Crossing to Kalemegdan

An elderly man takes advantage of the early Sunday morning hours to safely cross from Knez Mihailova street to Kalemegdan Park. Notice the decorated manhole cover that I showed you close-up right here.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

"Real Good for Free" Part II

The other day I showed you this musician playing another kind of instrument. Here we see a man with his grandson playing away, again not really for free, but in the hopes of earning a few dinars. I always thought learning to play the accordion must be really hard...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Skywatch Friday--Lookout below!

This is one of Belgrade's oldest department stores, but newly renovated. "Beogradjanka," as it is known, fell into disrepair during the latter socialist era when privatization came about. Now it's quite posh inside, and has had a facelift, too, including new panes of glass outside. About two weeks ago, one fell while it was being installed on the street that is on the left of this photo, but fortunately, no one was hurt.

Join Skywatch by clicking right here

Thursday, June 25, 2009

How about a little roast meat?

This fellow on a floating club restaurant on the Sava river was happily roasting a lamb, most probably for an afternoon dinner/celebration with his friends. Nice size lamb.

The fellow in the photo below works for one of the larger floating restaurants nearby. That is one big young cow he is roasting. And yes, the white pieces in the two tubs are peeled garlic to be used for salads, soups, and meat!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

ABC Wednesday "W" is for "weather-worn wood"

Isn't this a great mish-mash of wood and a bit of rusty fence, too? This was taken in southern Serbia last year, when my husband and I visited a small village in search of someone selling honey. We found someone, and I waited in the car while my husband bought the honey. This was what was in front of me.

Join ABC Wednesday

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

You know what they say....

...about owners and their dogs looking alike. These two have the same color hair and the dog is wearing a plaid harness and color to match 'mommy's' shirt. And no, I do not have the same underbite as Bibi does!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Old and crumbling...

Passed by these stairs downtown the other day, then returned to have a closer look. They 'spoke to me,' but not in color. I think black and white is best here.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Red and Yellow

This is a yellow tarp-like material covering part of a children's ride (the red) in a little amusement park beside the Sava River. The colors reminded me of Tibetan Buddhist monks' garments, and so I did a little research to what these colors mean to them.
The color red is auspicious in Tibetan culture. It is a sacred color, one of the colors of a monk's garments. It is believed to have protective qualities and is therefore often used to paint sacred buildings.
Yellow is has the highest symbolic value in Buddhism through its link with the saffron robes of monks. This color was chosen by Buddha as a symbol of his humility and separation from materialist society. It thus signifies renunciation, desirelessness, and humility.
Yellow is the color of earth, and thus a symbol of rootedness and the equanimity of the earth.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hairdresser, pedicure, waxing, artificial nails!

This is nearly a one-stop beauty shop where ladies can treat themselves to beautifying from head to foot! Judging by the sandals waiting patiently outside, I imagine that there's someone in there who's having her feet done just now. I've never had artificial fingernails, but am morbidly fascinated by the lengths I see some women wear. I read that artificial fingernails carry a risks of everything from fungal infection to allergies and even burns due to their increased flammability. Better use a potholder...

Friday, June 19, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

"Underwear is Everywhere...|

"Underwear is Everywhere," by Barry Louis Polisar is the title of one of my favorite kids' songs, and I'm pasting the lyrics below. Some people who live in apartments here don't have a terrace, so they hang out their laundry where they can! Here are the lyrics, but they're so much better with music:

Underwear is everywhere but mostly underneath.
Usually you can't see what goes on beneath
Ragged clothes, evening gowns or the finest three-piece suit.
Underwear is everywhere; there is no substitute.
Everyone is equal when it comes to underwear,
Because beneath your underwear it's just yourself that's there.
Everyone wears underwear -- or at least they should.
Underwear is lots of things, but mostly it is good.
Some like the feel of cotton.
I share this belief.
Likewise I don't like boxer shorts, give me a pair of briefs.
Some don't like to talk about it, that's because they're shy.
People laugh at underwear, but I do not know why.
"Now don't use bleach on underwear."
That's what my mom will say.
"Cause bleach will eat the fabric and soon they'll wash away."
Underwear with lots of holes, is a sorry sight.
Look around and try to see who's wearing theirs too tight!
Underwear is everywhere but mostly underneath.
Usually you can't see what goes on beneath
Ragged clothes, evening gowns or the finest three-piece suit.
Underwear is everywhere; there is no substitute.

ADDENDUM: You really HAVE to check out Sajkaca's post about the building(s) where I took this photo. Click here.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

ABC Wednesday -- "V" is for "Vigilance"

On Knez Mihailova, Belgrade's pedestrian street, there are many vendors selling all kinds of wares, from neckties to wind-up toys. Legally you need a permit to do this and I don't know how much it costs, but many sellers don't want to pay. Most have their goods in 'pack and run' types of cases so that when the police approach, they just slam them shut and act innocent. Others, like the vigilant jewelry seller you see in the first photo, pull their stand into a nearby passage.

The door on this particular passage has always been closed, and I never thought of trying to see what was behind it. However, seeing the seller make a fast get-away, I followed him in and was very surprised to find such beautiful, although very neglected, art and woodwork, as you can see in the second photo. Someone must at least appreciate art though, since halogen lights have been installed to set it off.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Work Break

The fact that he may not have the most comfortable place to take forty winks hasn't deterred this worker from enjoying a little mid-afternoon snooze on his steam roller! I think he may wake up with a cramp in his legs.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Say it with flowers.

Meet Desa Lukic, who makes beautiful pressed flower art. I've known her for several years, and have bought her creations from time to time for presents for friends abroad. In the top photo, she's holding one of three works I bought for wedding presents. I bought one for my mother a number of years ago, and the colors have not faded! Below is a close-up of one of her other creations I bought.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Water Fun

Never fails. I'm running late, and I get stuck behind these street washers. As you can tell, I took this shot from my car while waiting to go down the street. The water that is used is drinking water. I always thought this was a waste of good water, but the alternative is either not washing down the streets (here they were washing away to somewhere a lot of leaves blown down in a storm the preceding night) or else washing the streets with river water. That water, unfortunately, is often polluted with waste of all kinds....the Danube is more brown than blue here, due to poor enforcement of dumping laws.

Sometimes if you beep at these fellows and point to your windshield, they will happily hose your car down! Gets it quite clean, but make sure your windows are up first...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pimp My Bike

A while back I showed you this car and now I found a similar bike, though nowhere near as elaborate. Nevertheless, its owner has personalized it to his liking. I got a laugh out of the little car, which is actually one of those air fresheners that you hang in your car. Not sure how much good it does freshening the air downtown.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Skywatch--The Invisible Building

Here we are again at Slavija (SLAH-vee-ya) Circle, not one of Belgrade's more attractive round-abouts, which I'd shown you part of before.

However, I was struck by the building across the square, which seems almost invisible in this light, making the reflection look like buildings standing in its place!

Join Skywatch!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


That's what these cherries were screaming when I glimpsed them through a window while coming down the stairs in a building downtown. I was then on the second floor (that's third, for you folks in the US), and had no way of reaching for them, even if I had ventured into the garden behind the building. I could be like the fox in Aesop's fable and say they were probably too sour, but I'll bet they weren't...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

ABC Wednesday "U" is for 'ultra-cool"

Finally I can use this! I took this photo last winter with the full intention of posting it during a hot spell, which we have been having! I'll bet these folks wish their air conditioner were still this cold!

Join ABC Wednesday!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Up on the Roof!

I was walking downtown the other day, and heard someone whistle and shout 'Alo!" It's been ages since I've been whistled at in the street (or anywhere else for that matter!) so I looked up and saw this roofer waving at me. I did what any other photo blogger would do, and here is the result. I'm not sure how much his 'security' rope would help him if he slips....

Monday, June 8, 2009

Sneakin' one on the sly?

Frikom (FREE-kom) is a popular brand of ice cream here. Most of their flavors are really good, and this vendor was sampling his own wares. Am I alone in thinking he bears a striking resemblance to Bill Clinton?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

No more plaster lions!

I've always noticed that when people have a country house here, they often opt to have plaster lions (white, but sometimes gold....) on the tops of the gate posts on either side of the entrance to their garden. While in a nearby country town the other weekend, I came upon these plaster dogs! Though they're most likely Saint Bernards, I thought they looked a bit like Bibi, so I immortalized her here with one. Borrowed my son's hands again, like I did here.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Did her water break?

I have passed this fountain many times in Tasmajdan Park, but never when the water was flowing. I couldn't help but think that this pregnant statue might want to be rushing (pun intended) to the hospital...

Friday, June 5, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

"Real good for free..."

This fellow reminded me of the Joni Mitchell song "Real Good for Free," as he sat entertaining passers-by on Belgrade's pedestrian street, Knez Mihailova. Actually, I imagine he's hoping someone would give him something, but like the man reflected in the glass, many did just pass him by.

He's playing a gajde (GUY-deh), a Serbian version of bagpipes. You can see this same fellow and read more on Wikipedia !

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"One bite and you're there!"

Well, who would ever think you could find such pastoral beauty in the very center of Belgrade? Well, you can! Or sort of... This lady at a bus stop was seated in front of a Milka chocolate ad, which reads (on the photo below) "One little bite and you're there!" For those of you not familiar with Milka chocolate, it is positively addictive....smooth, creamy, and not too sweet. My favorite is the one without anything in it, no nuts, no raisins.... I took this shot from my car. Can you find me in the photo below? (and yes, I erased part of the text in t he top photo to fool you...!)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Theme Day: FEET (and a little leg, too)

Here we go with my red fetish again. These shoes looked so snazzy. I was going to crop the image, but the girl's attire only enhances her feet in these pretty shoes.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?