Thursday, April 30, 2009

Stairway into Yesteryear

Here I go again flitting into doorways. This is a stairway inside an old building (dated 1901) near the main railroad station. It must have been lovely once-upon-a-time, and I feel sad that this entrance and stairway have been so neglected. Judging by the façade of the building, I imagine that the entire structure will be razed and replaced by a more modern, but probably very impersonal apartment or office building. (I just had to use the word 'yesteryear' in the title...reminds me of the lead-in to the Lone Ranger TV show I watched as a kid.)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

ABC Wednesday "O" is for "On Duty"

Here’s a security guard that isn’t exactly sleeping on the job, but he IS reading the newspaper. Mind you, although there have been robberies in broad daylight at the ‘menjacnice’ (exchange offices) around town, there really isn’t a high risk of this happening, and our fellow here probably is aware of that! Wonder if he’d notice if someone quietly slipped out with a big bag…

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Poppy seeds and noodles

A recent visit to the market in search of homemade noodles for soup yielded this photo. I bought the tagliatelle-looking ones. The piles of more thinly cut noodles in the back look like blond and curlier versions of Cousin Id from the Adams Family. Notice the poppy seeds, which are either sprinkled on cooked noodles like these with a little sugar or made into sweet cakes like this one

Monday, April 27, 2009

Broke my promise...a little...

I promised you the other day that there'd be no more redheads, but I just couldn't resist this shot of three girls I saw downtown the other day. Now you have three hair colors!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


This past week's weather was pretty good, considering rain had been predicted. A bit did fall yesterday, and I snapped this photo, preserving the original red and white umbrella and making the rest black and white...which is what the weather looked like for a while.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Bolivian Witch Doctor

Yes, there is a Bolivian Watch Doctor in Belgrade...or sort of. This costume stands in part of the museum "25th of May," dedicated to Josip Broz "Tito". In the same complex is his tomb. In any case, the costume was presented to Tito by the government of Bolivia. Don't you just love the doc's shoes?

Friday, April 24, 2009

Three rooftops and a sky

Happy Skywatch! Here's a photo of Belgrade's former department store (on the right...) and two older rooftops. (Sorry for the late posting...Internet problems...)

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Would have been 32...

Today my husband and I would have been married 32 years. I had never taken off my wedding ring before this photo, and he had removed his only once too, after a wasp stung him while he was choosing grapes at the market. His finger swelled so badly he had to cut off his ring with wire cutters, and had to have it fixed. Last August, I posted a tribute to my husband here.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

ABC Wednesday--"N" is for 'nipped nose"?

My question to you is: After what incident did this couple decide to put a muzzle on their Rottweiler?

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Oplenac Royal Mausoleum

The Oplenac (OH-pleh-nahts) Royal Mausoleum is the historic place of the mausoleum of the Serbian Karađorđević Royal Family and is located in central Serbia near the town of Topola. It is known for the St. George Church, which is decorated with superb mosaics like the ones in this photo over just about every square inch of its interior. The floors are of various-colored marble, in geometric designs. The church and mausoleum were the works of Peter I who, upon assuming Royal Duties in 1903, chose a spot 337 metres (1106 ft) on the top of Mali Oplenac hill for the location of his Church. The location was measured by experts so that the altar would face east, according to Orthodox tradition. In 1904 the cornerstone was laid, and the Charter dedicated to St. George was placed in the foundation.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Pimp My Car

Spotted this little beauty a while back on a main street in Zemun, but I was in my car (which is not nearly as decorative) and couldn't stop. Last Saturday I walked over to Zemun and was lucky enough to find this creatively decorated Niva (Russian model). I took photos from just about every angle, but this is the most representative. Sorry to say that the inside isn't pimped up...yet.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy Easter....again.

Today is Serbian Orthodox Easter, a happy occasion, unless you are a lamb. I must say I am having lamb today, and will try not to think about how it ended up on my plate.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Three Forgotten Hats

An early morning walk along the Sava quay yielded this shot of three forgotten hats in front of a plastic ball play area. Kids have to remove their shoes to jump among the balls, and usually don't forget them when they leave. Hats, however, are another story. I hope these were picked up later on.

Friday, April 17, 2009

From my terrace at 6.a.m.--SKYWATCH FRIDAY

I get up just before six to walk Bibi. Now that the sun is getting up with me, I am often treated to a beautiful view like this one off my terrace. The geranium looks happy to see the sun, too.

Participate in Skywatch !

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bottoms up!

Oh, the fun sights I come across when walking along the river! I was below this wall on the sidewalk along the Sava River when I looked up and saw this fellow who was lying on the bench on the other side, doing some see-saw exercises. Now the head, then the legs, now the head...and then I got his legs (and bottom.)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

ABC Wednesday "M" is for 'mural'

Did you do a double-take on this one? It's on the side of a building downtown!

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Other Side of the Tracks

These two photos, showing you a view in two opposite directions, represent a hot social issue in Belgrade. Just a little over a year ago, I showed you this photo regarding an international sport competition organized by the International University Sports Federation (FISU) under the sponsorship of the International Olympic Committee. From July 1st to the 12th, this competition brings together student sportsmen and sportswomen. The second photo shows only part of the many new apartment buildings going up to house the competitors. These apartments will then be sold, and actually quite a few of them already have.

So that the competitors (and future occupants) won't have to look out on the huts of several hundred gypsy and refugee families who are living in the unhygienic conditions you can see in the first photo, the City has razed their homes, forcing them to the streets. The City has promised new housing to those squatters who have national identity cards, but only a tiny percent do. These are primarily Serbs who have escaped from Kosovo, and not the gypsies.

The sign you see on both photos reads, "No one is worried about Belgrade's citizens. They're only interested in refugees. They get everything, and Belgrade's children get nothing, and must go on the street. We are praying for help."

This is an eternal problem for Belgrade's gypsy population. In the past, they have been promised resettlement, but residents near possible relocation sites have staged protests to keep them out.

What's your view?

Monday, April 13, 2009

One More Redhead

I just couldn't resist showing you one more redhead. I've shown you one here and here , so no more this month, I promise! This lady's hair is two-tone, and the pink blossoms set it off!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Wishing you in the western world a Happy Easter. Serbian Orthodox Easter falls on April 19th this year, and since I only 'do' one Easter, I haven't colored my eggs yet. Here's a photo of a display of Easter candles in a shop window downtown. Which one would you buy?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Another photo request

Recently I had a request from 'Melrose' at Achtung, Baby! to photograph #31 Visokoga Stevana Street in Belgrade. For those of you who read Serbian, she has a fantastically delicious blog, full of Serbian recipes! 'Melrose' wanted me to photograph this address for her, but did not say why. I can only assume it holds memories of her time in Belgrade. 'Melrose,' here's to you!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Those Who Sell Me Flowers

Meet Mr. and Mrs. Gavrilović (Gah-VREEL-o-veetch), This pleasant couple parks their Yugo, full of flowers from their little weekend house not far from Belgrade, on a street corner near where I live nearly every weekend beginning right now to around the end of September. This photo is from last fall, but they're back now with spring flowers! Last weekend I bought lots of daffodils, and am waiting for their fresh basil....

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Black Horses Playing

This is one of a pair of statues in front of the National Assembly of Serbia and is entitled Black Horses Playing, though I don't think I'd like to play with a horse this way. The National Assembly's construction was started in 1907, with the cornerstone being laid by King Petar I. The sculpture was placed in front of the building in 1939.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

ABC Wednesday--"L" is for "Lucky"...maybe

I buy this newspaper 'Blic' (Flash) every day. It's a quick read, and I just don't have time to read a thicker newspaper every morning, which is when I like to read the paper. Blic has been having a give-away contest to the lucky persons who are lucky enough to find the little coupon tucked inside the paper that's marked with a prize. In all, there are more than 23,000 prizes, the top one being a house with a swimming pool. Automobiles, too! (It's a pre-fab house, and you need to have the land, but still!) In every coupon I open, it says, "Better luck in tomorrow's paper," but there never is.... I keep hoping!

Join ABC Wednesday right here .

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I am forever intrigued by figures on facades that tell a story...perhaps one that is now lost to us. This one shows a seated nude lady reading quietly, with a rooster by her side. There seems to be a caduceus behind her, but there's only one snake curling around it, not two. So who knows what all this means or meant once-upon-a-time?

Monday, April 6, 2009

One Year Later and Still There...

This photo is genuinely a déjà vu, since one year ago I published an almost identical photo of this unfortunate fellow who is still waiting by the highway. Please check it out. I have learned that he was apparently dumped here by someone who just stopped his car and shoved him out. This faithful dog has never given up hope that his owner will return. I sometimes walk Bibi this way, but it makes me so sad to see him there, day and night, in fair and foul weather. I'd love to get my hands on the person who did this. I should add that people who live close by feed him on a regular basis, but he won't come to anyone.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tea and Cake Time at Hotel Moskva

Some of you asked to see more of Hotel Moskva , so here is a view looking down on part of the hotel's tea room. It's a comfortable place to enjoy a piece of cake and coffee like this one . Some of you also asked about the hotel's rates. A double goes for about $146.00. Check out for more information.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A spring cleaner

Doesn't this lady have the most endearing face and smile? She is one of the City Parks crew that comes to pick up litter and tidy up for spring. Others like her prune trees, rake up dead leaves, and trim bushes. I see her rather often, and she let me take her photo, and I gave one to her later on. Her hair is the color that you see on one of these two ladies , and she's carrying a pointed metal stick to pick up litter with.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Table and Chairs

This is a very typical scene around markets here in Belgrade and all over Serbia. The sign on the wall reads "Ljuba's Hot Burek". You'll remember I posted about burek here, so have a look to see what it is. Burek is usually accompanied by (drinkable) yogurt, but you can always get yourself a Coke from the machine you see...

This post is for Virgina of Birmingham Alabama Daily Photo who has been doing a series on tables and chairs.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rose hips

Have you ever tried rose hips? They're quite popular here, and are used for herbal tea, jam, jelly, and syrup. They grow wild, and I often see people gathering them. I took these home and photographed them against the lining of my jacket. Rose hips contain vitamins C, D and E, essential fatty acids and antioxidant flavonoids. As if this weren't enough, I found some other uses on Wikipedia:

1. Rose hip powder is a remedy for rheumatoid arthritis.
2. Rose hips from the dog rose in particular have antioxidant values that far exceed other berries.
3. As an herbal remedy, rose hips can help prevent urinary bladder infections, and assist in treating dizziness and headaches.
4. Rose hips are also commonly used externally in oil form to restore firmness to skin by nourishing and astringing tissue.
5. They can also be used to treat constipation.
6. And ladies, rose hips contain a lot of iron, and drinking rose hip tea can make up for iron loss.
7. Rose hips have recently become popular as a healthy treat for pet chinchillas and guinea pigs, which are unable to manufacture their own Vitamin C!
8. Rose hips are also fed to horses to improve coat condition and new hoof growth. (Wonder if they're good for our nails and hair?)
9. Watch out! The fine hairs found inside rose hips are used as itching powder!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Theme Day-Yellow/ABC Wednesday "K" is for "Keepsake"

Yes, I know there isn't much yellow on this photo, but I just couldn't resist bragging about how Bibi made this month's cover Belgrade's new English-language publication, Belgrade Mutts. For me, it will be a Keepsake. Created by several ex-pats here who are concerned with Belgrade's stray dog population, the magazine features Mutts of Interest and their stories. In this issue, Bibi tells her heartbreaking story of her life at Katya's (see icon on sidebar) and how she was rescued by the City Daily Photo blogger who uses her name...and photo. Belgrade Mutts is available downtown at your newsstand or to those of you in blogland by subscription. Oh, yes, and by the way....April Fool.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

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 Anybody know what kind of 'blossom' this is?